If you want to have your procedure done right away, and do not have the funds in advance, you can use a medical financing company. Many financing companies have different interest rates, so it’s helpful to call around to get the best interest rate for your medical loan.
Future Family loans are a smart alternative to high-interest credit cards and dipping into savings. And now, Future Family offers 0% APR financing for those that are eligible, as well as low monthly payment plans. Prequalifying is risk-free, easy, and won’t affect your credit score.
Apply Online: emdseronocompassionatecare.com
Please note: the self-pay discount pricing does not apply if using medical financing. Please refer to our website or contact us via phone if you have questions regarding pricing.
3627 University Blvd. South Suite 450.
Jacksonville, FL32216
Ph 904.398.1473
Fx 904.399.3436
©2024 | Assisted Fertility Program.